Take the 13th Annual Community Survey, make your LGBTQ voices heard

LGBTQ Community Survey

Dear Q Voice News readers:

Please take part in the 13th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey. Participation in this survey gives important feedback to our LGBTQ community media and organizations, and provides valid data to companies interested in serving our community, sponsoring our charities, and supporting their LGBTQ employees.

Last year, more than 45,000 people from 150 countries participated.

Click here to start the survey, or paste the following into your browser:


Answering the questions should take about 15 minutes.

Everyone who completes the survey by May 15 may enter an optional drawing to win a $50 cash prize, or if you win, the money can be designated to a specific charity.

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Additionally, the survey organizers, Community Marketing and Insights, will donate $1,000 to the Trevor Project to support their work with LGBTQ youth.

Please forward this message to LGBTQ friends around the world who may want to take part, and post it on your social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

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Thanks very much for your help in making our voices heard.

Phillip Zonkel, publisher-founder Q Voice News

About the author

Phillip Zonkel

Award-winning journalist Phillip Zonkel spent 17 years at Long Beach's Press-Telegram, where he was the first reporter in the paper's history to have a beat covering the city's vibrant LGBTQ. He also created and ran the popular and innovative LGBTQ news blog, Out in the 562.

He won two awards and received a nomination for his reporting on the local LGBTQ community, including a two-part investigation that exposed anti-gay bullying of local high school students and the school districts' failure to implement state mandated protections for LGBTQ students.

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